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Create unique Login Password for every site without the need of special password management software

Writer's picture: Ashok Kumar BurraAshok Kumar Burra

If we are a bit creative (which everyone of us is capable of), there is no need of any special password management software to generate the unique password for every site which needs you to login with some username and password. Let us share some ideas in this post.

As we all know almost all the important sites – like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc, – all banking sites like ING, SBI, ICICI, HDFC, Citibank, etc, – many federal government operated sites like the Income Tax Department, etc, – all travel websites like makemytrip, yaatra, etc – all of them need us to have a unique username and password.

Some of these sites are also particular about using the password of a particular length like 8 characters, some even more specific and require us to include special allowable characters like ‘_’, ‘@’, ‘*’, etc.

Some companies using the Microsoft Exchange Servers for office mail recommend to change the password for every 45 days or months. So it will be even more hectic to write and remember all these login passwords.

And if we need to have a unique password for every site we use, we are surely going to be in trouble and confusion as it is impossible for us to remember these passwords if we are not going to login into these very often.

If we write all these passwords on a paper, it would be fine as long as we don’t lose this paper, but then there are many chances that someone gets hold of this paper and do all the damage one could do to you! Also this is a risky affair.

Then we may think of having a special software which needs one master password so that this program can always be used and it will serve the purpose of storing unique passwords of your sites on a particular computer.

Still we have some more constraints, if we need to use more than one computer and at various locations based on our profile. While there are pros and cons with every method possible, in this post, we give you some practical tips to create such creative passwords which are unique for every site and you won’t forget them.

Creative steps to generate as many unique passwords for as many sites needing the user name and login password:

1. Generate your unique password string which you can’t forget

The idea is to have a unique password string which you can’t forget and work around it to generate unique password for each site.

For example, if you prefer your birth date in full let us say 25051985, or you can write it in reverse 19850525 or you can use your employee number or passport number or the PAN card number to identify one suitable unique password string which is hard for others to guess.

2. Using special characters, split this unique password string

You can use your preferred special character (say ‘_’) and insert it at a particular location. Various possible options are 2005_1985 or 20_051985, etc. Or it could be something like 20*05*1985 or 2005*1985.

Using your passport or license or some other employee ID number would be of great use as people hardly remember those things unlike your birthdate.

3. Find a logic based on your wish, to identify some letters of each website making a rule

For example, you can use FB or fb for Facebook, gm or GM for Gmail, if you prefer two first letters of independent words or the first and last combinations. Like fk or FK for Facebook, GL or gl for Gmail, YO or yo for yahoo, etc.

4. Establish your rule and insert the part of the string where you want in your password string

It is always better to use this site related string at the beginning because the hackers can’t guess your password so easily as each first letter would be different for each of your various site login passwords.

For example, you can use the combined password like FK_20_051985 for Facebook or YO_20_051985 for FK*20*05*1985 or YO*20*05*1985, etc. Some other combinations of the passwords could be like FB_20@05@1985 for Facebook or YH_20@05@1985, etc.


With this method, a simple password string like your date of birth which is possibly known to many, one can’t guess it so easily as they won’t know where you inserted the special characters and which special character you have used and how exactly you have split your password string.

Once you make it a rule, you won’t change your basic password string, but will only work over it to identify a unique logon/login password for each site.

The only care you need to take is to remember your password string carefully (as with any other software used too, they need a master password) so that the work you did around the basic string will be easy for you to remember with little practice.

With this method, you can also write your basic password string on a piece of paper without the unique ones meant for each site. As you remember your basic string, the only work you need to do is to use the websites name as defined by your rule and then inserting the password in the same style for each site.

This method is as good as using any password management software, but actually not needing any software, and your computer needs to be free from viruses and Trojans. This also holds good for special software though. Moreover this method also works on corporate computers or laptops where the users are allowed to use the browsers but they aren’t allowed to install the special software.

Wishing our readers a Happy and Safe internet Surfing!


This post is only meant to be a guide for the dummies or newbies or those people in need towards the creation of better passwords, if not the best. The ideas presented in this post shouldn’t be used for hacking other’s usernames and passwords and any such criminal action is a seriously punishable offence by various federal governments according to their cyber laws.

As with every other method, also this method has its own limitations as these passwords are not encrypted. The basic strength or weakness of this method lies in the selection of the basic password string which should be easy for you to remember while it should not be available in the public database. However such availability of the public information is still not risky as the insertion of special characters and the addition of text strings based on website names will make the passwords more complicated and be an added advantage with this method.

The user should also make his/her own rules for step 1 to step 4 without forgetting their own logic used in these steps.

Copyright &copy 2010-2020 ViprasCraft. All rights reserved.

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